Our Patio
So I had some time at the apartment alone while my husband was performing at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Canada, so I decided to makeover our patio and surprise him!
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of our patio before, (I know, its crazy. Since when do I not have photos of something?) but it was completely bare. We literally had NOTHING out there except for one fold-up camping chair. It was super sad you guys. Definitely not inviting or cute!
We really needed to stick to a small budget for this patio so I think in total, I spent somewhere around $30-$40? Super affordable and I think it turned out great! First, I bought some outdoor lights from Target that were on sale. I hung them up with a few outdoor command light strips and it worked out great (And it was super easy!).
Next, I checked our local Walmart for some wood pallets. Make sure you double check with customer service to make sure it is ok, but generally you are free to take any of the raw wood pallets from the back (just not the plastic or colored ones). I ended up hauling 4 full size pallets and 2 half size pallets into the back of our truck by myself. It was also SUPER hot and humid that day so I was dying!! My original plan was to create a pallet "L" couch, but after dragging all of the pallets up to the third floor of our apartment building, I realized it was not going to fit or work out the way I had hoped. We don't have any power tools yet either so I wasn't able to just cut the pallets to the right sizes. Instead I found that the two half size pallets would work great as a mini couch and would definitely fit both Andy and I. Thankfully I didn't haul all of the pallets up for nothing (just the 4 full sized ones. oops)! Something I would suggest doing, is to also spray down the pallets with water before you bring them into your home because of all the chemicals they use on these. My skin actually got really irritated before I did this and it stayed rash-like for a couple days. Also make sure to sand down the pallets. You definitely don't want any slivers when you're just trying to relax.
Finding cushions that would fit this was nearly impossible and I thought I was going to have to make some myself. Thankfully I found a base cushion on sale at target that fit the end of it really well. The back still needed to be covered and I also needed something with a little support. I opted for a body pillow (also Target) and used some outdoor fabric spray to make it weather resistant.
I had never heard of the store Five Below before so I actually walked into it on accident. If you're not sure, Five Below is like the Dollar Store but everything is $5 and below (go figure). I found this adorable rug, plant stand and wall decor in that store. Score!
To finish off the patio, I wanted some greenery so I used this super adorable planter from Target and bought 3 different types of succulents from Lowes! I planted these myself you guys! I'm actually super proud of this arrangement so hopefully I can keep them alive!
I love how the patio turned out and Andy really likes it too. I love sitting out here in the evening with a good book or when those crazy lighting storms roll in.
I want to keep adding to this patio and I definitely know I want to add lots more plants. I think having an herb garden up here would be super cute and convenient.
Let me know what cute things you've done with your outdoor spaces! I need some more ideas!