2018 Bullet Journal
I have finally finished my new bullet journal initial setup and had quite a few questions about it. So, like any blogger would, I decided to make a blog post about it to share with all of you!
This is my second year of bullet journaling, but even so, its still a work in progress and I am still finding things I like and dislike and products that work better than others. Overall though, I am pretty happy with my simple bullet journal setup this year and so I am excited to share it.
I am using the Leuchtturm 1917 Bullet Journal this year. Last year I used a Moleskine dotted notebook and while it was nice, it just wasn't quite right. It was large, pens and markers bled through the pages easily and the cover was sort of floppy. This new Leuchttrum journal is nearly perfect. Its smaller (145 x 210 mm), has a hard cover, 240 NUMBERED pages, a built in key and index, 3 pagemarkers, and ink-proof and acid-free paper. I love it so far. the only thing I would change is that it would show my markers a little less on the other side. It's not nearly as bad as the Moleskin, but could be a little better.
The index, as I already said, is pre-made. You get 4 pages of it and I think that will actually work really well.
In this journal, you also get four pages for your future log. I began with a simple title page and initial layout of the full year. The only thing I would change here is the font in the title page. Its a little too much for me and I think I'd like something a little simpler like the month names on the next page.
Following this, I just recreated those months but a little more spaced out and used my Copic marker in Cool Grey #3 to make a circle around a special date, birthday or event and then listed them down below. (By the way, my favorite black pen to use for all of this is the Faber-Castell XS PITT artist pen in Black.)
I really want to focus on and build my photography business even more this year, so I decided to dedicate two pages to tracking my progress! The first page will track my income and the second will track the sessions I book brick by brick!
I wanted to incorporate something a little more creative into my journal and so throughout the year, when I find things I love (such as a book, movie, shampoo, food, etc...), I will write it in or doodle it here!
Next up is a place for 2018 memories, and then a place to track my Instagram growth for both my photography and blog accounts.
This is one of my new favorite spreads. The idea actually came from AmandaRachLee on Youtube and I am so in love with it. For each month, I will insert in a polaroid that I see most fitting or that I love the most from that month. I think this will be so adorable to look back on once it is all done!
That spread ends with the intro to the first month. The black marker I used to outline actually showed up way too dark on the opposite side so I ended up just glueing those pages together. Oops!
This spread gives me a bigger view of the overall month and lets me add in special events, work shifts, etc...
I used this spread last year and it turned out to be one of the most helpful. An expense tracker helps me see just how much I'm spending and receiving and then will help me eliminate more useless buys in the future.
I like to keep my weekly logs extra simple and fairly spacious so that I have room to map out everything that needs to get done without it becoming overwhelming.
And there you have it - my 2018 Bullet Journal! I'm sure I will continue to add new things as the year continues, but for now, it's perfect.
I would love to hear and see your bullet journals! Tag me on Instagram ( @mckennamunden ) or comment here!
Hope you all have a great week! xo