Jaci Marie - Iphone Workshop Discount

(Use code "MCKENNA" HERE for $40 off Jaci Marie's iPhone workshop!)

I'm not normally the type of person to buy iPhone workshops or even watch iPhone editing videos on Youtube, but when I saw that Jaci Marie was releasing her own iPhone workshop, there was no question in my mind - I had to have it.

I first found Jaci on Instagram maybe a year ago through her photography and later her personal Instagram. Both accounts were everything I strived to be. The warm tones and the great content instantly had my heart. Now every time she posts I get super excited - I even set up notifications on my phone!

Something I've always admired in Jaci's Instagram was the cohesive, bright and warm qualities every picture seemed to have. It was something that I tried to get with my feed but couldn't get quite right - I needed to know her secrets! That's why this workshop seemed so perfect for me.

I have actually restarted my blogging Instagram ( @mckennamunden ) and have used Jaci's workshop tips while shooting and editing. Scroll through the following pictures to see a few of my favorite before and afters!

This workshop has been so beneficial to me and definitely worth it.

Here is what the workshop includes:

- How to better frame your iPhone photos
- Finding quality light / when + where to shoot
- Jaci’s favorite apps for editing iPhone photos
- Step by step (including filter) instruction on how Jaci edits her Instagram photos
- What to post + when to post it
- How to make your Instagram feed reflect you + stay cohesive
- How to work with brands + increase your following

This may all sound fairly simple and straightforward but Jaci has some really really great insight to each of these things that I would have never thought of. If you are looking to build your own brand, boost your Instagram followers, etc... this workshop is a really wonderful resource for you.

Want to buy it? I have partnered with Jaci to give you all a discount code! Use my code "MCKENNA" HERE and get $40 OFF. This code is live until April 1st which is the end of this week so don't wait!

Seriously this workshop has got my mind moving again and so much more inspired to create great content. I don't ever promote anything I don't love 150% so you can trust me when I say this workshop is worth it.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I'll answer them as soon as possible!